Faecal Sludge Management (FSM)
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All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Request schema of FSM application.
BPA application object to capture the details of land, land owners, and address of the land.
totalcount of records available in the system satifyig the search criteria
Reuqest Schema for BillingSlab
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
Representation of billing slab
BillingSlab created successfully
Reuqest Schema for BillingSlab
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
Representation of billing slab
BillingSlab updated successfully
Apply for desludging
Request schema.
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
Request schema of FSM application.
BPA application object to capture the details of land, land owners, and address of the land.
Application submitted successfully
Request schema of FSM application.
BPA application object to capture the details of land, land owners, and address of the land.
totalcount of records available in the system satifyig the search criteria
Gets the list of fsm application for a particular ULB based on search criteria.
Successful response sorted by reverse chrnological order of creation
Request schema of FSM application.
BPA application object to capture the details of land, land owners, and address of the land.
totalcount of records available in the system satifyig the search criteria
Successful response sorted by reverse chrnological order of creation
Updates service request
Request schema.
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
Request schema of FSM application.
BPA application object to capture the details of land, land owners, and address of the land.
Application submitted successfully
Request schema of FSM application.
BPA application object to capture the details of land, land owners, and address of the land.
totalcount of records available in the system satifyig the search criteria
Successful response sorted by reverse chrnological order of creation
Representation of FSM Audit
Reuqest Schema estimate api
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
estimate calculated successfully
Reuqest Schema calculate api
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
Calculation Criteria to calcaulte and generate Demand
calculated successfully