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All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Soft delete linkage of Project Staff users with project in bulk
Capture linkage of Project and staff user.
Project Staff request has been accepted for deletion.
Update Project Facilities
Capture linkage of Project and facility.
Project Facility request has been accepted
Soft delete Tasks for a project
Capture details of Existing task
delete bulk task request has been accepted for deletion.
Delete Project Resource linkage in bulk
Delete linkage of Project and Resource.
Project Resource deletion request has been accepted
Update beneficiaries registration for project
Project Beneficiary Registration.
Project Beneficiary request has been accepted.
Soft delete Project Facilities in bulk
Capture linkage of Project and facility.
Project Facility delete request has been accepted
Soft delete linkage of Project Staff users with project
Capture linkage of Project and staff user.
This object defines the mapping of a system staff user to a project for a certain period.
Project Staff request has been accepted for deletion.
Soft delete Project Facility
Capture linkage of Project and facility.
This object defines the mapping of a facility to a project.
Project Facility delete request has been accepted
Add beneficiaries for project
Capture details of beneficiary type.
add beneficiary request has been accepted for creation.
Create tasks for the project in bulk
Capture details of Task
Create task request has been accepted for creation.
Link bulk Staff users to Project for a certain time period
Capture linkage of Project and staff users.
Project Staff request has been accepted.
Link Resources to Project
Capture linkage of Project and resources.
Project Resource request has been accepted.
Update Project Staff users using bulk payload
Capture linkage of Project and staff user.
Project Staff bulk request has been accepted for update.
Add beneficiary for project
Capture details of benificiary type.
add beneficiary request has been accepted for creation.
A representation of the registration of an entity to a Project.
Create task for the project
Capture details of Task
Create task request has been accepted for creation.
Link Resources to Project
Capture linkage of Project and resources.
This object defines the mapping of a resource to a project.
Project Resource request has been accepted.
This object defines the mapping of a resource to a project.
Update Project Resource linkage
Capture linkage of Project and Resource.
This object defines the mapping of a resource to a project.
Project Resource request has been accepted
This object defines the mapping of a resource to a project.
Delete Project Resource linkage
Delete linkage of Project and Resource.
This object defines the mapping of a resource to a project.
Project Resource deletion request has been accepted
This object defines the mapping of a resource to a project.
Update beneficiary registration for project
Project Beneficiary Registration.
Project Beneficiary request has been accepted.
A representation of the registration of an entity to a Project.
Link Facility to Project
Capture linkage of Project and facility.
This object defines the mapping of a facility to a project.
Project Staff request has been accepted.
Search Project Resources
Search linkage of Project and resource.
This object defines the mapping of a resource to a project.
Project Resources
Link Facilities to Project
Capture linkage of Project and facility.
Project Staff request has been accepted.
Link Staff users to Project for a certain time period
Capture linkage of Project and staff user.
This object defines the mapping of a system staff user to a project for a certain period.
Project Staff request has been accepted.
Search Project Facilities
Capture linkage of Project and facility.
This object defines the mapping of a facility to a project.
Project Facilities
Search Project Staff users
Capture linkage of Project and staff user.
This object defines the mapping of a system staff user to a project for a certain period.
Project Staff.
Search for existing project
Details for the project.
Soft delete Task for a project
Capture details of Existing task
delete task request has been accepted for deletion.
Create a new Project
Details for the new Project.
Project request accepted for creation.
Update beneficiaries registration for project
Project Beneficiary Registration.
Project Beneficiary request has been accepted.
Update the details of a existing Project
Details for the new Project.
Employee request accepted for creation.
Search beneficiary registration for Project
Project Beneficiary Search.
Search model for project beneficiary.
Project Beneficaries.
Search task for Project
Project Task Search.
Project Tasks.
Update Project Facilities
Capture linkage of Project and facility.
This object defines the mapping of a facility to a project.
Project Facility request has been accepted
This object defines the mapping of a facility to a project.
Update Project Staff users
Capture linkage of Project and staff user.
This object defines the mapping of a system staff user to a project for a certain period.
Project Staff request has been accepted for updation.
This object defines the mapping of a system staff user to a project for a certain period.
Soft delete registration for project
Soft Delete Project Beneficiary Registration.
A representation of the registration of an entity to a Project.
Project Beneficiary request has been accepted.
A representation of the registration of an entity to a Project.
Update Project Resource linkage in bulk
Capture linkage of Project and Resource.
Project Resource request has been accepted
Task Request
Capture details of Existing task
update task request has been accepted for update.
Task Request in bulk for a project
Capture details of Existing tasks
update tasks bulk request has been accepted for update.