Vehicle Registration
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Gets the list of Vehicle for a particular ULB based on search criteria.
Unique id for a tenant.
Allows search for service type - comma separated list
Search by list of UUID
Search by mobile number of service requester
Search by uuid of service requester
Search by type of the vehicle
Search by model of the vehicle
Search by tankCapacity of the vehicle
sort the search results by fields
, model
, suctionType
, pollutionCertiValidTill
, InsuranceCertValidTill
, fitnessValidTill
, roadTaxPaidTill
, tankCapicity
, createdTime
sorting order of the search resulsts
Search by model of the vehicle
limit on the resulsts
offset index of the overall search resulsts
Add the vehicle details into the system
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
Instance of Service request raised for a particular service. As per extension propsed in the Service definition "attributes" carry the input values requried by metadata definition in the structure as described by the corresponding schema.
Updates the details of the vehicle
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
Instance of Service request raised for a particular service. As per extension propsed in the Service definition "attributes" carry the input values requried by metadata definition in the structure as described by the corresponding schema.
, createdTime
, fitnessValidTill
, model
, pollutionCertiValidTill
, roadTaxPaidTill
, suctionType
, tankCapicity
, type
, vehicleOwner
, createdTime
, fitnessValidTill
, model
, pollutionCertiValidTill
, roadTaxPaidTill
, suctionType
, tankCapicity
, type
, vehicleOwner
, applicationiNo
, createdTime
, referenceNo
, tripEndTime
, tripStartTime
, vehicle
Gets the list of VehicleLog for a particular ULB based on search criteria.
Unique id for a tenant.
Allows search for service type - comma separated list
Search by list of UUID of vehicleLog
Search by list of UUID of of the trip owners
Search by list of UUID of of the drivers
Search by list of UUID of vehicle(s)
Search by the referenceNo(s)
Search by the applicationNo(s)
search by the businessService of the vehicleLog
search by the list of applicationStatus of the vehicleLog
offset for the pagination results
limit for the pagination results
sort the search results in Ascending or descending order
sort the search results by fields
, applicationiNo
, referenceNo
, vehicle
, tripStartTime
, tripEndTime
, createdTime
Add the vehicleLog details into the system
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
vehicle Trip will be created for each trip for a specific service
Updates the details of the vehicleLog
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
vehicle Trip will be created for each trip for a specific service
, applicationiNo
, createdTime
, referenceNo
, tripEndTime
, tripStartTime
, vehicle