API specs to handle property assessment, change existing property details, change of ownership, calculate property tax, demand generation, and enable ULBs to manage properties.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
ts*integer (int64)
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
userInfoUserInfo (object)
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
Demandsarray of Demand
ResponseInfoResponseInfo (object)
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
Get the properties list based on the input parameters.
Query parameters
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
ts*integer (int64)
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
userInfoUserInfo (object)
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Successful response
ResponseInfoResponseInfo (object)
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
Generates estimated Property tax that will be incured once this particular property is added in to the system (note- only one property should be sent to the api for estimation, anything more than one will be ignored.)
Estimates the Property Tax to be paid for given property .
required parameters have to be populated
RequestInfo*RequestInfo (object)
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
CalulationCriteriaarray of CalulationCriteria (object)
Success response is calculated tax.
ResponseInfoResponseInfo (object)
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
ResponseInfoResponseInfo (object)
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
Details for the new property + RequestInfo meta data.
RequestInfo*RequestInfo (object)
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
BillingSlabarray of BillingSlab (object)
Property(s) created sucessfully
ResponseInfoResponseInfo (object)
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
Updates demand with time based penalty if applicable and Generates bill for the given criteria.
Generates bill for payment.
Query parameters
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
ts*integer (int64)
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
userInfoUserInfo (object)
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Success response calculated tax with connection number and amount.
ResponseInfoResponseInfo (object)
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
Calculates Property tax and generates the respective demands in the system.
Calculate Property Tax based on criteria.
required parameters have to be populated
RequestInfo*RequestInfo (object)
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
CalulationCriteriaarray of CalulationCriteria (object)
Success response calculated tax with connection number and amount.
ResponseInfoResponseInfo (object)
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.